Entries by Sean Grover

The Group Therapy Contract

An introduction to the group therapy contract When it comes to establishing more intimate and enduring relationships, individual therapy can help you understand your history and influences, however, is that enough to open new pathways to relationships? What if you still find yourself cycling through the same old relationship problems, making the same mistakes over […]

Anger MISmanagement and Other Relationship Crimes

Everyone gets angry. But how we manage anger is very different. Some of us store up frustration, hold grudges, nurse hurt feelings, or isolate ourselves; others rage and blame the world and everyone in it for their problems and their feelings. These behaviors will only hurt us and damage our relationships. What’s worse, they give […]

Are You Suffering from HDD? Humor Deficient Disorder

Humor Does More Than You Think What if I told you there’s a miracle-parenting tool that improves parent/child relationships almost overnight? It enriches communication and enhances trust, in addition to reducing stress and tension — and it’s yours absolutely free. What is this magical parenting gizmo? It’s humor. (Go ahead, laugh.) The positive effect of […]

What is Your Depression Trying to Tell You?

What is your depression trying to tell you? Depression. What an unwelcome guest! Whether it tumbles down on us out of the blue or is triggered by disappointment or loss, it’s surely a miserable experience. And the fact that it revisits us again and again only makes it worse. Where does it come from? Defining […]

When to Call a Therapist for Your Kid

This article was featured in PARENTGUIDE News: WHEN TO DIAL A DOC With a circulation of 285,000, PARENTGUIDE News is the oldest and largest local parenting publication in the country. The paper serves 18 counties, throughout New York, Long Island, Westchester, Rockland and New Jersey, with ten different regional editions.  For additional information, visit parentguidenews.com

Group Psychotherapy Secrets: What Happens In Group?

Group Psychotherapy: The Express Lane to Rewarding Relationships By Sean Grover Everyone yearns for loving, positive relationships. Yet for many adults, stable companions continue to be out of reach; friends come and go, romances fall apart, and family members remain at odds with one another. Why do some people have healthy, flourishing relationships while others […]

Why Group Therapy Is Best For Teenagers

Have a teenager who needs to overcome social problems? You can’t beat the power of group. Individual therapy is a wonderful tool for helping kids understand their fears, improve their moods, and explore their feelings. But why do so many teens with social problems fail to benefit from individual therapy? What makes teen groups more […]

How to Stop Being a “No” Strategy Parent

A “No” Strategy Moment “Poppa, can I have some apple pie?” A simple question. But have you ever tried to reason with a four-year-old around five a.m. on a snowy winter’s morning? Especially when there’s no apple pie in the house? Gloomily, I employed my “No” strategy, an approach many parents are familiar with. A […]

The Ice Cream Cone that Changed the World

Derek & the Ice Cream Cone Derek is painfully aware he’s poor. Forced to wear worn out sneakers and jeans, he’s often the subject of ridicule wherever he goes, particularly when he delivers newspapers to the wealthy part of town. And it’s not just teasing by other kids; even the adults in that neighborhood snicker […]

The Wheel of Misfortune

Misfortune In-Action There’s a farmers’ market in Union Square park just down the street from my office. Every Saturday, it springs to life with shiny red apples, bright green peppers, homemade cakes and pies, potted plants and fresh-cut flowers. The eager crowds greedily gobble up the market’s offerings like children on Christmas morning. I’m searching […]