Why Seeking Unconditional Love Can Destroy Relationships

Key points Yearning for unconditional love frequently masks a profound lack of self-love. A dogged belief in the power of unconditional love can blind you to red flags and the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship. The search for unconditional love frequently fuels destructive behavior. Friends and family warned you and coworkers and colleagues expressed […]

5 Essential Steps to Be Happier and Achieve Your Dreams

You can just transform your frustration into fuel. Key points Learning to engage and resolve frustration can transform obstacles into fuel for a happier and more productive life. The choices you make when faced with frustration can determine whether you will experience growth, decline, or stagnation. One five-step process includes confronting frustration, deciding, a test period, […]

Are You A Toxic Caretaker?

Key points Toxic caretakers, also known as co-dependent relationships, encourage destructive choices in friends and loved ones. Toxic caretakers frequently appear loving, caring, and generous. Substance abuse, delinquency, and deceitfulness are among the most common behaviors enabled by toxic caretakers. Caretakers are a thoughtful and generous lot; ready to lend a hand, especially for a […]

How to Transform Your Pain Into Something Beautiful

Key points When we embrace pain, lean into it, and honor it, we begin to heal. Disowned pain is a burden on the body that strains and handicaps and frequently fuels self-destructive behaviors, such as substance abuse. Transform your pain by expressing it creatively, sharing it, or participating in a mutual support group. Sooner or […]

How to Understand Your Boredom and Break Free

What drives boredom will surprise you. Key points Boredom springs from an internal state of tension and a nagging wish to be saved from yourself. It often drives destructive decisions, such as unhealthy relationships or drug use. External stimulation may divert our attention from boredom, but boredom reappears because its true source is unresolved. Some […]

3 Signs You’ve Been “Introvert Shamed”

Do you feel like an introvert living in an extrovert’s world? Key points Introverts are made to feel ashamed for avoiding the spotlight. Signs that someone has been introvert shamed include being bullied or mocked for being quiet or shy. The pressure put on introverts to change their behavior always backfires and causes increased social […]

How Grudges Destroy Relationships

How Grudges Destroy Relationships … and 5 better ways to manage frustration. Key points Frustration is a natural part of any intimate relationship; grudge-dumping isn’t. Pent-up frustration can lead to temper tantrums, explosive arguments, and words designed to produce maximum hurt. Healthy ways to process frustration in a relationship include speaking up early, writing a […]