3 Types of People Most Likely to Lie to You

You don’t want someone to lie to you; no one does. Yet, eventually, someone will hurt you with a lie. Whether you see it coming or not, it doesn’t matter. You still feel devastated. Sometimes the hurt is so bad, you wonder if you will be the same again. Few things are as painful as a […]

Why Romantic Relationships Won’t Fill Your Emptiness

That empty feeling in a relationship is often caused by unresolved wounds from the past and cannot be filled by a romantic partner. When people expect a relationship to meet all their emotional needs, they make three common mistakes: confusing relationship problems with self issues, having unrealistic expectations and needing constant validation. Watching out for […]

3 Ways ‘Ghosting’ Undermines Your Emotional Health

Unfortunately, the term “ghosting” continues to gain popularity, particularly on social media platforms and dating apps. You know the routine: you participate in a virtual conversation, it seems to be going well, and suddenly—poof!—the other person goes silent, disappearing into cyberspace and leaving you wondering: “What happened?” Ghosting can happen in established relationships as well. […]

How to Survive Toxic Relationships at the Office

Why do some office relationships deteriorate into high school histrionics, complete with backstabbers, gossipers, seducers, and drama queens? Is there a way to thrive at the office when relationships turn toxic? Group dynamics at the office As a group therapist, I’ve spent a lifetime studying the dynamics that emerge in groups. I’ve witnessed people who […]

Are You Setting Healthy Emotional Boundaries?

What does “setting healthy emotional boundaries” mean? No parent sets out to sabotage their child’s development. But when a parent fails to provide healthy emotional boundaries, they unwittingly cause lasting damage to their children’s ability to trust others and embrace intimacy. Separation, individuation As children mature, they naturally seek independence. From the moment they learn […]