East Side Community High School

March 5, 2012

Dear Sean,

I want to thank you for taking the time to come to our Parent Expo and speaking to our parents. The parents who attended were singing your praises. You were a huge hit. I know a few plan to reach out to you directly for additional guidance, including me.  : )

Our parents really appreciated the opportunity to ask you personal questions about their own parenting situation and receive your feedback and guidance.  The parents who did attend, especially those who participated in your workshop asked if they could create a blog about their experience so that they can spread the word to other East Side parents who didn’t attend to encourage them to come to future events.

We would love to have you return to East Side to speak at a Parent Association meeting, if you are willing.  We greatly appreciate you spending a few hours of your Saturday talking with our East Side parents.

Thank you again for your time and sharing your guidance and expertise.  We greatly appreciate it.


Jodi Caplan,

Director of Community & Family Partnerships,

East Side Community High School

420 East 12th Street

New York,  NY 10009